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The Real Ghostbusters Remastered (Hack/Remasterización del Ghostbusters parea Family

Publicado: 20/10/19 4:33
por Yay
Visto en Romhacking que ademas viene con otras jugosas novedades sobre este mundillo hackeador :)


Imagen Imagen

- Memoria de novedades y mejoras.

**- This hack fixes and rebalances everything to make a real game out of it. So, though it may look like it is the same, it does not play like the original game at all. Thinking so could be frustrating, so keep these points in mind while playing:

- Your main and only goal is to enter the Zuul building before PKE reaches 9999. For this you need to regularly stop and catch roaming ghosts, as they greatly increase the PKE meter if they reach the building!

- After you have enough money for a beam and the anti-ghost suit you can enter the Zuul building, but buying the ghost food and the sound generator is advisable.

- The hyper beam doubles the amount of money acquired from catching ghosts on buildings! But depending on your strategy you may want to keep the regular capture beam.

- Same goes for the ghost alarm and the super trap. They may or may not be worth it depending on the play style!

- Added cheat code for easy mode (start with $10k) and easy mode ending. A+B+Start at the title or lyrics screen. A sound cue replaces the Ghostbusters yell, confirming it.
- Added visual feedback for PKE penalty when a ghost enters the Zuul building.
- Updated title screen to include “The Real”, “Visit” and version number.
- Code for building infection completely rewritten for stability, reliability and balance.
- Fixed correlation of blinking buildings and buildings that contain ghosts (buildings used to secretly have ghosts and not blink).
- Slightly reduced ghost speed on higher PKE levels.
- Can’t enter Zuul building just by reaching 9000+ PKE anymore.
- Fixed fuel barrel hitbox.
- Better car control.
- Slightly increased sound generator efficiency.
- Faster parking on GBHQ.
- Marshmallow Man’s animation speed increased when destroying buildings.
- Fixed sign graphics for floor 16.
- Ghosts inside Zuul move a lot faster towards food now.
- Fixed bug where you could “enter” a road, loading to the gas station.
- Proper graphics for destroyed buildings after coming back to the city map from another scene.
- City buildings color coded: purple buildings (non destroyed) can be infected.
- Some items are now fully refundable.
- Added “REFUND” subtitle under respective items.
- Fixed the bug where the game would pause when holding the B button on the map. The unexpected pause looked like a crash.
- Fixed HUD glitch when reaching the top of Zuul Building.
- Can no longer enter empty or destroyed buildings.
- Fixed bug where it wouldn’t refuel at the gas station if on zero cash.
